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Topping the Charts

Posted on Oct 23, 2015 in Down Syndrome, Health, The Fam

There’s some extra cuteness going around and the smiles are especially contagious.  And I found the first little tooth poking through this evening!IMG_2132-2IMG_2119-2 IMG_2128-2 IMG_5657-2

We had a 4yr (Dylan) and 4month (Leslie) checkup last week.  These kids are healthy and thriving!  Dylan is the size of the average 5 1/2 year old.  The doctor encouraged us to “put a basketball in his hands.”  I just checked an online height predictor based on parent’s heights and kids stats and it predicts Dylan will grow to be 6’5″ – wow!  We’ll see about that.  Leslie is comfortably in 9-month clothing, and Whitney also happens to top the charts, but in the adjusted growth chart for kids with Down syndrome).

Last weekend was the Bay Area Buddy Walk put on by the Silicon Valley Down Syndrome Network.  We laid low a bit this year, but still enjoyed meeting up with some friends we have made in the community throughout the years.  Whitney reminded me again how much she loves to dance…too bad they stopped our Ballet class at the YMCA because this girl is so ready to do group dance again!


  1. Wow, looks like Dylan is going to have that Buffum height for sure. They all look so great, so happy. Your blog always makes me feel like I am staying up to date with you guys. Thanks so much for sharing. Love you all

  2. I loved that video of Whitney dancing. It was so good seeing you all in Phoenix at Thanksgiving!

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