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Almost Famous

Posted on Jul 31, 2013 in Bookshelf

You know how when you happen to encounter someone famous you instantly become cooler?  Yeah. It’s true.  Because somehow your breathing the same air ten feet away from her means you are equals.  She might have even noticed you.

Well I came close to making a scene for all of Barnes & Noble when I first set eyes on This is Paradise.  It’s a collection of stories just published by one of my college roommates – Tiana Kahakauwila.  And it was ON DISPLAY at the bookstore…how cool is that!?  It is all too tempting to let everyone and their mother know that Tiana and I shared many a late night munch break from our senior theses and I fixed her hair for formals at least once.  She endured my Tyler obsession and I endured her marathon training clothes, both with tendencies to take over the common area.  Now she’s a great big amazing famous author and assistant professor!  Way to go, Tiana, I’m so proud of this huge accomplishment.  You’re amazing!  And thanks for making me almost famous, or at least instantly cooler for knowing you.  I can’t wait until you do a book signing in the Bay Area so I can butt my way in line and snap a photo of you giving me your autograph.

The rest of you….go buy This is Paradise! And you’re welcome to my autograph, too, in case you can’t wait until Tiana visits next.



  1. Mishka! I couldn’t believe when I saw myself on your blog. I felt like such a superstar to have you writing about me!!! Plus I LOVE the photo of Whitney with the book!

    On a side note, I have to admit, my running clothes get less and less contained with each passing year… I presume that your Tyler obsession gets less and less contained, too! 😉

    Aloha to the whole family!

    • I’m part way through reading and am loving your voice through these stories!

      And yes, it’s great that both our obsessions continue to thrive. 🙂

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