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Posted on May 10, 2015 in Motherhood, Photography

It’s Mother’s Day!

May it be the happiest possible day given the complexity of motherhood; there are so many joys and challenges with having a mom and being a mom.

Today I’m thinking most about anticipating this new little babe due for an appearance in the next few weeks.  I’m lucky to be a part of a group of talented photographer women who let me be their subject at our last meeting.  Here are a few favorites from our quick little session (all photos from Naphy Joiner of Scatter Joy Photography).


  1. You’re absolutely beautiful Michelle! I love reading your blog!! xo

    • Aww, thanks Lori! I love following Noelle on Facebook, knowing we’re so close in due date. Yay!

  2. These are beautiful photos, Michelle. I know the time is drawing close. I will be praying for a safe delivery and for all to go well. Sending lots of love!

    • Thanks, Leigh!! P.s. we ate lunch at Cafe Barrone today and it reminded me of going there after church with you guys. <3

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