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Deuces are Wild

Posted on Oct 14, 2013 in Big Moments, The Fam

Dylan Boy is TWO.

This Little Dude came into the world on 10/14/11.

IMG_8906 2013_09


At TWO he loves:

  • climbing, jumping, shouting, dancing, singing, running
  • music (profoundly Mary Poppins)
  • FRUIT. anywhere. all the time.
  • picking (and immediately eating) from the garden
  • doing things on his own
  • pulling up a chair to the counter to “help”
  • buttons and switches
  • building towers and “robots” with blocks
  • recalling the story of the day at bedtime
  • getting the boo-boo bunny when needed
  • telling everyone what to do (especially Whitney)
  • looking for the kitty down the street

Here’s his evolution week by week (roughly):DylanWeekly2I love this boy!  I can’t imagine our family without him!



  1. Happy Birthday to our

    Happy Birthday to our Dylan Great pictures

  2. Yay – happy birthday Dylan!!! This is such an awesome post documenting Dylan’s progress! Hope you all have a happy day full of fun and celebrations 🙂

  3. Happy birthday, Dylan! I can’t believe he is two! I love the week-by-week photos.

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