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Posted on Jun 17, 2013 in Featured, The Fam

Tyler, I love how you do Daddy.
…with snuggles, and tosses up in the air, sleeping giants, and kiss-chases.  With walks, stories, strength and comfort in times of pain, guitar and piano lessons, talking about the wonders of nature, pulling bike trailers, singing songs to help with calming. With building block towers and typing ABC’s, signing questions, and practicing prayers.

We are lucky to have you and love you wholeheartedly.


And to my Dad.  You are the kind of dad we could brag about on the playground. And the more I know about parenting, the more I appreciate you.

…your love and guidance, your soccer coaching, your sideline support, your acceptance and encouragement of me and my pursuit of my passions, your words of encouragement at key times through text and letters, your charisma, your humor, your generosity, your faith, your honesty.  And I love how you are with my kids…that they light up when they see you and you know them well and have been there for so much of the big things in their lives.

We are lucky to have you and love you wholeheartedly.


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