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Happy World Down Syndrome Day (3-21)

Posted on Mar 21, 2014 in Down Syndrome, The Fam

It’s 3/21 – World Down Syndrome Day (in honor of the 3 copies of the 21st chromosome)

Perhaps we will celebrate by ordering framed portraits of our family karyotypes. How crazy is this – the other day I stumbled across a biologist/artist who makes custom artwork out of photographs of DNA. I’d be totally interested in seeing what our karyotypes look like. He sends out a kit to sample a few drops of blood from which he’ll later produce and separate chromosomes. He uses a special camera attached to a microscope to take a Cell Portrait that presumably you’d hang above your fireplace (I’m not so sure about that). I guess there’s a market for people who want to in some way immortalize a piece of their loved ones (and apparently also pets).

In reality, this is the first time I’ve actually paid attention to this day arriving on the calendar. And really, I paid attention this year because I have my radar out for the anniversary of the day we first found out our baby would have Down Syndrome (3/23/2010) – how bizarre that the two days are so close.

Maybe we’ll just get dolled up and take a stroll around the block (because that’s our favorite these days).

This was before a new hairdo and after we painted toenails. She kept saying “so pretty” over and over.

He loves to pull the wagon, but won’t let me ride! C’mon.

Field day at the park…this boy loves the big kid playgrounds.


Have a beautiful Spring weekend!

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