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Preschool Graduation

Posted on Jun 7, 2014 in Education, Motherhood, The Fam

She graduated!!!
…to another year of preschool, that is. She’ll be in the same classroom with the same teaching team with a few of the same classmates next year. One big change is that Dylan will be doing private preschool at the classroom next door (they share the playground) for two mornings each week.

We are very happy with how this year went for Whitney. Dropping her off that first day was really hard (for me, not her), but seeing her improve so much in all areas has made all the time apart so worth it. Her teacher and her team are awesome. Many times throughout the year they went the extra mile showing how much they care, and in general just what good people they are. Everything from helping me get to the car with two crazy kids to suggesting adjustments to services and encouraging the pursuit of eyeglasses. They balanced repetition of key skills with creative themes, crafts and activities. Whitney liked going each day and would treat me like a celebrity when I came to pick her up (cheers and smiles while running into my arms).
What she learned:

  • To identify her written name, to spell it by memory, to identify the letters, and to even write some of the letters (somewhat recognizable).
  • She went from maybe a 50 word verbal vocabulary with only a few two-word phrases (“eat, please”), to hundreds of words, and many phrases, some up to four words (“I don’t like it”, “I can do it”, “I want crackers please”)
  • She’s more sure on her feet (gross motor skills) and has even climbed the stairs without holding on to anything.
  • She holds pens correctly most of the time and draws a crude stick figure. She can somewhat trace shapes and letters.
  • She knows many of her colors and shapes and she knows the numbers from 1-10 (sometimes to 20).
  • She cooperates with the classroom routine, sings along with the songs and does the motions.

We’ve learned more about what motivates her (social things- such as learning letters by learning to spell people’s names, songs, and anything involving coloring).
There are so many areas we’ve seen growth, we are so proud of her hard work, and grateful for that of her teachers!

Next week she’ll start a month of summer school at a different classroom with a different teaching staff



  1. Summer School Dropout | laughodil - […] we had been excited about her continuing progress this summer since her preschool progress was so great, the summer…

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