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From Hole to Whole

Posted on Mar 27, 2013 in Big Moments, Featured, Health, Motherhood, The Fam

Whitney’s homecoming from the hospital was a week ago yesterday.
We are thrilled with how “normal” our life is already…the surgery successfully closed up the hole in her heart and her resilient little body is recovering quickly.

Here’s a recount of the day-by-day…

The night before the surgery…bath time with Gramby.WhitneysHeartSurgery-blog


Day 1: Daybreak arrival. Happy drugs. Emotional parents not wanting to let go.



The surgeon’s hands. I swear the way the people talked about this man at the hospital I’d be surprised if he wasn’t wearing a super-suit under his scrubs….he’s amazing at what he does and has gained such high respect from those around him. Tons of people pray for these hands each day.IMG_14262h


The CVICU.  The worst in the way of scary wires, tubes and cacophony of beeps and blinking lights.  She kept starting to wake up when she was supposed to remain sedated and had a rough time, obviously uncomfortable (duh!) and scared (squirming around, crying).  This was the hardest time for me, with no way of “fixing” it or even connecting with her to try to communicate what’s going on.



Day 2: She wakes! She breathes (on her own)! Oh that sweet eye contact after such an eventful 24 hours.  Lots of resting this day.WhitneysHeartSurgery-blog4


Oh what love!  Gramby finds a way to get close.

gramby in hospital

Meanwhile, little dude is up to no good running around the hospital courtyard.



Day 3: we can hold her, she is graduated out of the CVICU into 3 West, she can sit up, and Dylan gets to visit.WhitneysHeartSurgery-blog11WhitneysHeartSurgery-blog12


Day 4: back to a healthy appetite (Jamba Juice is certainly a help to that), we take a wagon ride and visit the hospital playroom, she stands up.WhitneysHeartSurgery-blog13



Day 5: more wagon rides, good spirits and playfulness, getting better every day!





Day 6: We get to go home! Gramby entertains the kids with the iPad while we pack up our precious love notes and goodies and head on our way home.  The neighbors welcomed us home with this sweet sign on our garage.


hospital hearts welcome home banner






  1. A Month for Remembering – Dylan’s surprise | laughodil - […] in the next few weeks), and in March 2013 Whitney had open heart surgery (check out that story here…
  2. A Day to Remember: Celebrating Healthy Hearts and Amazing Chance to Be a Doula by Default | laughodil - […] day this is for our family, being the anniversary of Whitney’s heart surgery (read about it here and here).…

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