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Single Moms

Posted on Feb 20, 2013 in Homemade, Kitchen Adventures, Motherhood, The Fam, The Homestead

Two recent recipes courtesy of Michael Ruhlman (Ruhlmans Twenty cookbook, and his blog) – although slightly modified.


Dutch Oven Bread

Put in Bread Machine – dough only setting
– 4c Flour (500g)
– 1 1/2 c. water
– 1 tsp yeast
– 2 tsp Kosher salt

Once dough cycle is complete, knead the dough to release bubbles and redistribute the yeast. Shape roughly into a small ball and cover with a towel for 10min.

Shape into a tight ball (tighter the better) and put in a greased Dutch Oven.
Let rise 30-60 min. (covered).
Rub the top with 1 TB olive oil and sprinkle with kosher salt.

Bake covered at 30 min. at 450 degrees
then reduce heat to 375 degrees and remove cover and continue to cook until nicely browned and cooked through.

Allow to rest on a rack for another 30 min. (it continues to cook).



English Muffins (yield 12 give or take)
Combine in a small saucepan, stirring over medium:
– 4 TB butter
– 1 TB sugar

– 16 oz milk, stir and remove from heat

Stir in:
– 1 1/2 tsp yeast
– 1 egg, beaten

Combine in a mixing bowl:
– 16 oz flour
– 1 1/2 tsp Kosher salt

Add the milk mixture to the flour mixture and stir until well combined (it’s like a pancake batter).

Cover and set aside for 1.5 hrs or refrigerate overnight (removing from the fridge an hour before cooking).

Heat griddle over medium heat (or a smidge lower).

Stir together:
– 2 tsp baking powder
– 1 TB water

add the dissolved baking powder to the batter.

Dust the skillet with corn meal. Scoop 1/4 c. portions onto the griddle. Cook for about 7 min, flip then cook 7-10 more minutes.

Separate with a fork and enjoy the nooks and crannies topped with butter, preserves, or an egg/ham/cheese (egg McBuffum)!….are amazing. Well, I might just go on and say parents in general are amazing, considering they and their kids survive each day. But lately, I’ve got a new respect for those who do this kid thing sans partner, sans nearby family, nanny, daycare, whathaveyou.  I’m so lucky that I normally have a husband who prioritizes family time, parents who love my kids and are local and able to spend time with them each week. This week I’ve put on my big girl pants and am doing the lone-ranger mom thing while Tyler is traveling and my parents are out of town.  It’s stretched me for sure but I’m still standing…but I miss my honey like crazy.  I’ve made it this far and feel I have earned a special badge.

At the beginning of the week I decided to make three lists: “What needs to be done to survive,” “what I should do,” and “I’m amazing if…”  Deep breath. The survival list is really really short, i.e. 3 meals, sleep/nap, a bath here and there.  I’ve learned I feel amazing for just completing the survival list. At the same time I can’t seem to leave my “I’m amazing” list alone…it’s all the stuff I really want to do, the stuff that makes my heart happy and nurtures my soul.  So, along with survival, I’ve made English Muffins, delivered a gift to a friend who needed a smile, got up early on purpose, and made cookies.  I think it’s a few of these things that helped me have more patience and joy when tackling the survival list.  Don’t ask me about the “should” list.  boo. that’s the stuff I look for every excuse to avoid. ha!


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