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{Pirate} Gold Treasure Party
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Dylan’s obsession with collecting “treasure” made it easy to do a birthday party theme for him this year….a gold treasure party.  For the first time, we decided to have a small collection of kids WITHOUT their parents!  Of course, I stacked my party team with grandparents, aunties and uncle to help out, but all in all I’m a fan of the party focusing on...

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Nothing Says “Nesting” Like Building Teepees
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For a few weeks there I turned my living room into a teepee factory…my good friend pointed out that it is the epitome of nesting to be building a physical home within my home…ha.  Well, I am within the two month mark of baby’s expected arrival now, and you should see the chaos of the room we intend to be the nursery, so I...

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Citrus Party
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Citrus Party

Apr 10, 2015

Considering that my citrus trees are wafting out brand new fragrant blooms getting ready for next season’s fruit, it’s about time to share details of a super fun citrus-themed gathering a while back with the other ladies of our neighborhood court. I have two mature navel orange trees (that still hold fruit year round, mind you, I just can’t eat enough!) a mature happy...

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Christmas #3: My Parents
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MAS CHRISTMAS! (we had 4 to be exact…this is the 3rd, we’re almost there). Christmas with my Parents. Not sure what it was about this year but I went all susie-homemaker on the gifts for my family…thank you Pinterest. A giant ruler measuring-board for my sister-in-law. DIY tie pillows: Lion and an Octopus for two of my nieces. Dragon Tails for my nephew and...

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Nov 23, 2013

I’m ba-ack! For the past two weeks I’ve been radio silent while on a whirlwind of visits with family and friends.  There are certainly photos and stories to share from our adventures…stay tuned as I unpack the bags and organize my thoughts from these meaningful visits. In the meantime, here is some fall photography play… My vision was to print and frame some of...

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Alphabet Party Projects
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Whitney’s Alphabet Party was my first Pinterest-inspired party…I scoured people’s boards to come up with ideas for all sorts of things….a fraction of which came to fruition or worked out as initially intended. All in all the party was great fun and I enjoyed all the projects that made the theme come alive. And I learned a bit in the process. For instance, make...

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ABC Crayons
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ABC Crayons

Jul 27, 2013

Today I rocked it. Whitney’s birthday is coming up and I actually did something to prep for the party more than a week in advance! We’re having an ABC themed party (Alphabet, people.  My Pinterest research taught me that apparently there is another type of ABC party out there…you college and otherwise eccentric folk can rest assured knowing the dress code is indeed family...

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Another Perspective
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Another Perspective

May 12, 2013

Only Siblings Three! and a play date. Full house and an empty nest. A gallery of more pea pods and produce here, as well as some other personal pieces that make me smile. Motherhood is a bit easier when you have super...

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63 Charms
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63 Charms

May 4, 2013

For a few decades my mom collected charms.  Dozens of adventures and meaningful moments are molded into these little tokens.  I love it that I can scan through her charms and remember some of these experiences because I have either been a co-adventurer or have lived vicariously through her stories.  At Christmastime I decided to figure out how to get these memories out of...

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Creative Math
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Creative Math

Apr 11, 2013

Today, one Signing Time: Family, Feelings and Fun DVD = one outdoor pillow for our deck! The kids learned how to say/sign things like “sister” and “grumpy” and I got to get my creative on.  Win-win! I am very proud of my little square.  And grateful for the sewing machine my grandma gave me years ago. Glass raised to believing in the ability to...

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Single Moms
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Single Moms

Feb 20, 2013

Two recent recipes courtesy of Michael Ruhlman (Ruhlmans Twenty cookbook, and his blog) – although slightly modified. Dutch Oven Bread Put in Bread Machine – dough only setting – 4c Flour (500g) – 1 1/2 c. water – 1 tsp yeast – 2 tsp Kosher salt Once dough cycle is complete, knead the dough to release bubbles and redistribute the yeast. Shape roughly into...

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