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Posted on Aug 9, 2013 in Favorites, The Fam

Our sweet little girl is three today!


Whitney loves….

  • hugs and kisses
  • singing Old MacDonald, Wheels on the Bus, and any other song with motions
  • books
  • Signing Time and other movies
  • petting dogs
  • sand at the beach
  • playing with clothes and dress-up
  • the piano
  • smoothies, cereal, noodles, cupcakes, graham crackers, milk
  • copying her brother (especially if she hears “no”)
  • swinging, jumping on the bed, playing in water

Week by Week (roughly)

Another View….by Month

Monthly Photo

We love this little girl! Our lives are forever changed by her and we are grateful.




  1. Not Hiding Down Syndrome | laughodil - […] Three! […]

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