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One Week New
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One Week New

Jun 20, 2015

I can’t believe we are already celebrating one week with Leslie!  I am surprising myself with how much I am adoring the newborn phase. Yes, we are feeding constantly, or so it seems. Yes, I’m tired (what else is new?).  But she is so soft! I can’t stop rubbing my face on and kissing her soft hair and cheeks.  And she smells so good....

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Welcome to the World, Little Leslie
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Our little bundle made her peaceful debut on Friday afternoon.   Leslie was due on June 3rd, and Tyler’s parents were able to be in town for a few days last week, so we were getting a bit impatient when baby hadn’t arrived.  I started googling old wive’s tale suggestions for convincing baby to get a move on.  Caster oil was out of the...

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Preschool Graduate
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Preschool Graduate

Jun 6, 2015

Two years of hard work learning and growing (disguised as full-on social fun) and our baby has closed the books on preschool. She has come so far since she first walked in that classroom — and I’m pretty sure she enjoyed every minute of it, considering the ways she talked about the teachers, her friends, and the bus.  This is her superstar teaching staff. ...

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Catching up with Spring
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Friends. It’s already June!  My intentions have fallen way behind the draw to lay lumpish on the couch every mid-afternoon.  I’m playing the “baby is waiting for…” game and when not collapsing into the cushions I’ve been working hard to get all the possible things crossed off baby’s list….we’ve talked hours over names, patched holes in the wall of the future nursery, washed and...

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May 10, 2015

It’s Mother’s Day! May it be the happiest possible day given the complexity of motherhood; there are so many joys and challenges with having a mom and being a mom. Today I’m thinking most about anticipating this new little babe due for an appearance in the next few weeks.  I’m lucky to be a part of a group of talented photographer women who let...

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Sleep Study: how we figured out our baby had sleep apnea
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I always thought Whitney was a good sleeper.  She slept through the night when only a few months old, she would sleep soundly even amidst moderate noise and light.  Sometimes she snored, but not crazy loud and never with snorts or gasps, it was more of a cute snore and usually it seemed to coordinate with being congested from a cold. She was pretty...

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Tale of a Tonsillectomy
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Whitney had her tonsils out.  Poor sweet girl didn’t know what was coming…and neither did we. Originally, we had a surgery scheduled just to put ear tubes in – an outpatient procedure, she’s done it before, involves anesthesia which nobody likes, but other than that a pretty simple deal.  She was getting tubes put in (again) because for the past 6 months she has...

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Winning and Losing it
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Winning and Losing it

Feb 18, 2015

Who’s going to win it?  –a question Dylan is constantly asking as he started trying to make everything a race lately.  At least we get from point to point much faster, and I have another tool up my sleeve to get his cooperation!  We did a family visit to the track the other day and the kids had a blast running around with Daddy. ...

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Becoming a Ballerina
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Becoming a Ballerina

Jan 9, 2015

Whitney had ballet class yesterday…and I welled up with pride for my little girl.  It went so well for her compared to her first session (almost a year ago, now).   For almost the entire 45 minutes she participated best as she could following what everyone else was doing.  There was a brief break where she was distracted by her own beautiful reflection and...

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Sneak Peak – 20 week ultrasound
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Two weeks ago we got to peak in at baby for the 20 week ultrasound. Here are a few highlights from the photo shoot.  And no, we didn’t find out the gender…we’re into surprises. 🙂 My favorite is this one where baby is showing off some sort of yoga move (upside down Downward Dog?) with his/her feet stretched over the head. The technician got...

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Prenatal Testing: Knowing and Not Knowing
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Today baby Tres is 14 weeks in the womb. I’m bumping out a smidge, feeling appropriately frustrated with my wardrobe options, and I spent the morning rearranging furniture (mostly small/lighter pieces, don’t freak out).   Seems pretty normal.  Earlier this week I visited the lab and sent in some blood for prenatal testing.  I’m not sure how to explain how taking this step is...

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Nov 4, 2014

Happy November 3rd! We spent our first night of November in a yurt.  Did I say yurt?  I meant damp icebox.  But of course we were all squished in the same double futon bed – all 5 of us.  Did I say 5?  Yep.  We’re expecting to be a quintet come early June.  We got a sneak peak at the little blob (did I...

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